The stereotype Swedish woman is blonde, tall, beautiful, opinionated and speaks three languages. Her aesthetic sense is strong and her attitude to sex is accommodating. While she is single, she travels the world and once married she invariably has a career and earns her own money.
The average Swedish man can be described as shy, taciturn, sentimental, submissive, principled and reliable. It’s simply the sort of male companion the Swedish woman wants the father of her children to be like. He is Mr. Fixit and knows a little about everything-whether it is how to push a pram or change a baby. He is happiest at work or at the country cottage, which he is constantly rebuilding. The Swedish man is basically a loner.
Sverige är även med marginal det mest feminina landet i hela världen (har inget med feminism att göra) tänk på det nästa gång ni klagar tjejer!